Lipizza (Italian) or Lipica (Slovenian) is a village in Slovenia’s Karst region, and it is the origin of the Lipizzaner horses.

Horse love is something different, especially for children and riding a horse is a memorable experience.
The Lipica stud farm offers a big opportunity to see a special horse breed and ride. Furthermore, the atmosphere is so impressive that you can’t leave the place as I couldn’t few years ago. Even though I hadn’t had any interests in horses before, the farm fascinated me with its magnificent foals as well as the natural beauties. No doubt this special destination will intrigue all the visitors.
The history of the stud farm in Lipica goes back to 1580s. In those years the Spanish horse was the ideal breed. And those wonderful horses were being kept on the farm of Spain, whose climate and soil is similar to that of Slovenia. The stud farm therefore was established in that area by Charles II, Archduke of Inner Austria. The first horses were brought from Spain. Since then the finest ones for haute-ecole riding have been bred. Besides, the place gives you a very warm welcome through the scent pervaded from linden trees, which have been planted for every newborn foal. Until 1960 it was not opened to tourists. But today Lipica is a real touristic destination comprising a hotel and a leisure complex in good agreement with its historic settings.
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